Tips for Duck Hunting in The Rain
Duck hunting success depends immensely on weather conditions. Novice hunters will be surprised to hear that a great combination when it comes to duck hunting is actually light rain and wind. Yes, ducks do fly in the rain and wind. Although it may seem strange, duck hunting in the wind, fog, and rain can be a good idea. How to succeed if you can barely see 20ft in front of you? Below, you will see a list of the top tips for duck hunting in the rain, provided by expert hunters who took the time to share their knowledge. We’ll get to them in a minute, but first, here are some basic duck hunting tips that every hunter should follow:
- Learn the weather patterns and how they affect bird behavior. Just for the record, in lousy conditions, ducks are likely to fly to an agreeable pond and hunker down.
- Invest in a well-camouflaged duck boat if you are going to hunt near the water.
- Have a good, solid plan for what to do if something goes wrong.
- Set a check-in time with a friend or family member. Don’t forget to inform your emergency contact person once you are back!
- Practice your calls on a regular basis.
Tips for Duck Hunting in the Wind and Rain
- Learn more about the birds’ weather-driven migration and determine where the ducks may be flying when it’s raining. You can hardly expect a duck to fly somewhere over a big lake during the rain, but it is likely to fly around smaller bodies of water that have a good tree line blocking out at least some of the wind and rain. By the way, Duckr can tell you exactly what direction the wind is coming from so you can set up your blind correctly. Never again will you set up your blind facing the wrong way!
- Check the weather forecast and remember that the rain is good for duck hunting, but not thunderstorms. If a big storm is expected, better to stay at home.
- Invest in proper duck hunting gear to enjoy maximum, leak-proof protection. The absolutely must have gear for duck hunting in the rain includes the following: waterproof chest waders and a rain jacket, a fleece pullover, and a Duckr weatherproof ultra light packable down vest, along with gloves for cold rainy weather.
- Remember that ducks almost always fly into the wind. So place yourself where you have a shot at birds flying up or down the river.
- Penetrol your gun, if it is not polymerized.
- Ensure you hunt from a ground blind where you can stay warm and dry.
Tips for Duck Hunting the Day after Rain
- Determine the preferred stopping points for ducks and geese once it has stopped raining, and consider hunting there. On foggy days, even once the rain has stopped, ducks prefer to stay close to the water.
- Avoid direct sunlight in the day as it makes you extremely visible. Don’t forget that even a perfectly camouflaged duck hunter can be easily revealed by the outline of shadows.
- Monitor the behaviour of birds, be mobile and let’s not forget creative - if the weather pattern holds for several days, ducks will soon learn certain patterns that hunters use, and will avoid places areas where hunters have been known to hide.