The 3 Most Frustrating Ducks to Hunt
When they first get into duck hunting, a lot of new hunters make the mistake of thinking that ducks aren’t very smart. After all, they have tiny brains and they’re just not the most evolved species in the world, right? Well, veteran duck hunters know that ducks are actually a lot smarter and wilier than you might think. Something as simple as having too little movement in your decoy spread or going with cheap duck hunting gear that stands out too much from your surroundings can tip ducks off and keep them from flying into your shooting range. All that...
How to Become a Duckr Pro-Staffer
Plenty of hunters dream of joining a hunting company’s pro staff with the belief that they’ll get to hunt for a living, be paid big bucks and receive a closet full of free gear. For a handful of people who’ve reached celebrity status, this dream has become reality. For the majority of pro-staffers, though, the perks are much more modest. In reality, few pro-staffers are paid money for their services. Instead, they receive a limited amount of free or discounted gear in exchange for their work. And, most pro-staffers do not get to hunt for a living. Like you, they...
What Do You Do If You Get Hurt or Lost on a Duck Hunting Trip?
Before you head out to the great outdoors for a hunting trip, it’s important to have a good, solid plan for what to do if something goes wrong. While the chances of getting lost or hurt are minimal if you follow all of the proper safety protocols for hunting, the unexpected can still happen. That’s why every good duck hunter has a plan of action for any kind of emergency that could happen during a hunting trip. Set a Check-In Time Especially if you’re going duck hunting alone, but even if you’re with a buddy, it’s a good idea to...
What’s the Best Weather for Duck Hunting?
When you plan a hiking or camping trip with your family, you try to plan to go when the weather is sunny and mild, right? You know that the elements don’t always cooperate, so you have contingencies in place for rain and other poor weather conditions, but if it gets too bad, you’re not going to hesitate to throw in the towel and head home. When it comes to successful duck hunting, though, one of those terrible days that most people wouldn’t ever want to go hiking or camping might be the perfect weather to come home with your full...
Android Beta Testers
We are really exited that after a long delay we are ready to start inviting Android users to signup to beta test the Duckr Android App. We have a few items to still release but most everything else is ready. Please signup below. Subscribe to Duckr Android Beta * indicates required Email Address * First Name Last Name